*** Psalm 125:1 “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever…”
Hi Everyone!!! Hope you are all well, enjoying your family, making the most of every moment, and trusting your Father to take care of you! This week has not exactly been as restful as I had hoped. Planning the upcoming weeks, writing, calling, meeting, going to the orphanage and shopping for supplies took up quite a bit of time. Did I mention it is infinitely hotter here than it EVER gets in Wisconsin, therefore, all of these activities are bathed in prayer AND sweat!
Last Saturday night, I couldn't sleep...the orphans wouldn't let me. I was feeling very overwhelmed about all the different ideas and needs that were flooding my head. So, I just told the Lord that we would do whatever we could, but that we needed some help. Well...
The next day, I spent time with a friend and her husband. He is an architectural designer and had all kinds of grandiose ideas for CVI. I asked him if he could help me with a few smaller projects first. It was such a relief to be connected with someone who knows a bit about the process of construction. Later that afternoon, we held a reunion with all the counselors who volunteered at the last camp. We shared our experiences, how it changed us, the impact the campers and counselors had on us, and how the Lord helped us to overcome the challenges. Sharing how upsetting it was to see Flor, Julian and José return to the orphanage after receiving so much love, I talked a bit about our desires to help. I was flooded with questions and suggestions, and, before I knew it, the Ecuadorians of Cristo Vive had decided we were going to go this Saturday (which was yesterday!) to work! This was both encouraging and a bit alarming. We didn't have a solid plan at this point, but I knew we needed to move forward and give them the opportunity to act.
We arranged a meeting and made clear that this whole project will remain under the direction of OM, and Cristo Vive and other churches and groups that get involved will all fall under their leadership, so as not to confuse anyone. We hope to form several groups responsible for different activities and events, so that we do not all need to be there at the same time. One of the goals of Cristo Vive is to connect the counselors with the lives of their campers and to get more churches involved on a long-term basis, so, I think this is a positive step in the right direction. Some of the goals of the orphanage project are to get all the kids in school, offer them a responsibility and reward program, teach them the Bible, discipline, being kind to each other, a good work ethic, and hygiene. We would like to continue fixing the place up, possibly teach them to garden, and the list goes on and on. We know that we need people with specific skills, money, tools, and lots of patience in order to maintain the work there, but that will come, as long as we are committed, and the Lord is at the center of it. One thing I don’t want to do is to just hand them everything, thus perpetuating the lack of motivation they seem to be plagued with. I have been reminding the kids to say “please” and “thank you”, instead of the whiny “gimme’s”. They don’t like it! Basically, we are trying to do for these kids what their parents haven’t. It is a big job parenting (Parents: can I get an AMEN!) – let alone for 19 kids – imagine how overwhelmed this director must feel! My main frustration and concern is still for Flor. When we come in at around 10:30 am, the other kids have eaten breakfast, and she is sitting by herself in her room, usually staring at her lap, often, she is wet, because she doesn’t have any form of diaper on and no one has offered to take her to the bathroom. Really, this doesn’t require a whole lot. She only needs someone to give her the wheelchair, push her there, and help her with her pants, OR at the very least, to put a diaper on her in the morning!! She thrives (they all do!!!) with a bit of positive attention and love!
If someone didn’t make lists and get supplies, we wouldn’t have gotten very far. I wish I could make you understand just how completely different the process is here. Also, the communication between me and the Ecuadorians comes with several challenges, but, that's another story!! About 15 of us spent yesterday morning scraping off old paint, scrubbing showers and toilets, cleaning up trash and digging out the canals for the rainwater that were clogged with dirt and refuse. My friends witnessed firsthand the enormity of the task before us, but were undeterred!
*** Anyone interested in helping with this project specifically, let me know! ***
I was able to buy school supplies, and praise the Lord, we found a Christian distributor who gave us schedules with Bible verses for all the kids, and a discount, which allowed me to buy all of the necessities with the money that I had available! (It only took six hours, but, who’s counting!!)
God is so faithful, and He answers our prayers!! I am grateful: I haven't had any more issues with headaches and I am learning a little bit more every day about myself and this culture in which God has placed me. It's funny that apparently no one can find a good hairstylist, and I have been cutting hair almost every day (Coincidence?! Nope.)! I may start taking donations since it can be time-consuming. I blame MOM for this one!!
The Lord has been ministering to me very specifically. One morning, all the emotion and stress that I was stuffing away somewhere bubbled up and resembled an erupted mess of grief, stress, and confusion. During the night, I dreamt of my grandmother, woke up crying, and immediately went outside to spend some time with God. The first thing I do is pray and worship with the guitar, but the tears, like rivers of lava, continued to flow. I told the Lord if ever there was a time that I needed the comfort and counsel of the Holy Spirit it was at that moment, and to please give me some wisdom. I opened the Word and began reading in Psalms. Like a balm to my wounded spirit, the Truth transformed me from a tumultuous volcano into the strong, steadfast mountain He has created me to be, my confidence in His peace. These verses were particularly pertinent: Psalm 120:1-2 “In my distress I called to the Lord, and he answered me. Deliver me, O Lord, from lying lips, from a deceitful tongue…” and, 126:5 “Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!”
Today is Sunday…and I plan in treating it as such! Worship, Rest, and Mercedes’ pool!! Tomorrow I plan on heading off to Cuenca. Please pray as we seek to get some activities going in the next weeks and form a team there. Also, as I have mentioned before, I am in the process of forming a big, strong team to come the first two weeks of August to do ministry, construction, and a weekend camp! *** Please pray and pass on the information! We’ll take all the help we can get, so COME TO ECUADOR!! ***
Thank you all for your prayers, they are my lifeline!!! Be Blessed!
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